Conductor, Composer, Pianist
🇦🇹AIA-Artist https://aia-vienna.at/
🎹Steinway Educational Partner
東京藝術大学 音楽学部 指揮科卒業。
東京藝術大学 大学院 音楽研究科 指揮専攻を経てウィーンへ渡欧。
Jin Wang Academy Viennaに留学。
オーストリアWienで行われたVienna International Conducting Competition “Wiener Schule”にて「Joseph Haydn Symphony Orchestra Vienna Award」「Great Young Talent Award」の二つの賞を受賞。
びわ湖ホールで行われた『阪 哲朗 オペラセミナーⅠ』及び 『阪 哲朗 オペラセミナーⅡ』にて指揮受講生として選出され、大阪交響楽団を指揮。
チェコのOlomoucで行われた新進指揮者紹介コンサートに指揮者として選出され、「The Future Star Conductors & Composers」にてMoravian Philharmonic Orchestraを指揮。
Carnegie Hall Family Day Japan 2020指揮者。
これまでに国内のオーケストラのほか、🇨🇭argovia philharmonic、🇩🇪Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim、🇨🇿Moravian Philharmonic Orchestraを指揮。
全日本ジュニアクラシック音楽コンクール作曲室内楽部門第2位(1位なし)。TIAA全日本作曲家コンクール室内楽部門奨励賞。モナコ公国ステファニー妃が名誉総裁を務める A music competition organized by the association Femmes Leaders Mondiales Monacoにおいて、作曲した「Romance」が日本代表に選出。作品は「LISTEN TO THE WORLD IN MUSIC」公式本やCDに掲載された。
-AIR(Artist In Residence)事業-東峰村・添田町に滞在し作曲活動を行う音楽家に選出。 この時作曲した作品「月冴ゆる」が宮川彬良氏演出によるコンサートにて、九州交響楽団(指揮:平川範幸)により初演。
指揮を下野竜也、大河内雅彦、山下一史、高関健、Douglas Bostock、阪哲朗、湯浅勇治、Jin Wang、ピアノを武田美和子、横山幸雄、田部京子、川田健太郎、安田正昭、Mikhail Kandinsky、稲生亜沙紀、花岡千春、ヴァイオリンを本郷幸子、室内楽を佐藤まどか、安田正昭、松本ゆり子、ソルフェージュ・楽典・和声・作曲等を渡辺俊哉、Jin Wang、スコアリーディングを中原達彦、Laurent Teycheney、山田武彦の各氏に師事。
Zsolt Nagy、Lathrow Tihanyの各氏による指揮マスタークラスを受講。
Born in 1999. Born in Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture (Japan).
Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Music, Department of Conducting. After studying at the Graduate School of Music at Tokyo University of the Arts, majoring in conducting, moved to Vienna.
Study abroad at Jin Wang Academy Vienna.
Currently active in both Japan and Europe.
Studied piano at the age of 4, solfeggio and composition at the age of 6, violin at the age of 7, music composition, harmony and score reading at the age of 10, and conducting at the age of 14.
At the Vienna International Conducting Competition “Wiener Schule” held in Wien, Austria, won two awards, the “Joseph Haydn Symphony Orchestra Vienna Award” and the “Great Young Talent Award”. Selected as a conductor for the upcoming conductors' introduction concert held in Olomouc, Czech Republic, and appeared in "The Future Star Conductors & Composers". Was selected as a conducting student for the "Tetsuro Saka Opera Seminar I" and "Tetsuro Saka Opera Seminar II" held at Biwako Hall, and conducted the Osaka Symphony Orchestra.. Carnegie Hall Family Day Japan 2020 conductor. 29th, 30th, 31st Conductor of the Japan Classical Music Competition winners' concert. In addition to orchestras in Japan, has conducted the 🇨🇭Argovia Philharmonic, 🇩🇪Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim, and 🇨🇿Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra.
Won the 1st prize in the piano section of the Yokohama International Music Competition, as well as the monthly Chopin Prize. Won the 3rd prize in the piano section of the Japan Classical Music Competition. Won the 1st prize in the Kitamoto Piano Competition, as well as the Superintendent of Education Award and the Concerto Award. He received the Encouragement Prize at the Tokyo Competition of the Piano Division of the All Japan Student Music Competition. 2nd place in the Tokyo Piano Competition. 3rd prize in the Petrov Piano Competition. Gunma Prefecture Piano Competition Grand Prize. Has won numerous awards in the piano field, including the Gold Prize at the North Kanto Student Junior Piano Contest.
Won 2nd place in the composition chamber music division of the All Japan Junior Classical Music Competition (no 1st place). TIAA All Japan Composer's Competition Chamber Music Category Encouragement Award. My composition "Romance" was selected to represent Japan at the music competition organized by the association Femmes Leaders Mondiales Monaco, whose honorary president is Princess Stephanie of Monaco. The work was featured in the official "LISTEN TO THE WORLD IN MUSIC" book and CD. - AIR (Artist In Residence) project - Selected as a musician who will stay and compose music in Toho Village and Soeda Town. The piece I composed at this time, “Tsuki Sayuru,” was premiered by the Kyushu Symphony Orchestra (conductor: Noriyuki Hirakawa) at a concert directed by Akira Miyagawa.
Study Conductors: under Tatsuya Shimono, Masahiko Okouchi, Kazufumi Yamashita, Ken Takaseki, Douglas Bostock, Tetsuro Ban, Yuji Yuasa, Jin Wang; Piano: under Miwako Takeda, Yukio Yokoyama, Kyoko Tabe, Kentaro Kawada, Masaaki Yasuda, Mikhail Kandinsky, Asaki Ino, Chiharu Hanaoka; violin: under Sachiko Hongo; chamber music: under Madoka Sato, Masaaki Yasuda, and Yuriko Matsumoto; solfeggio ・ music theory ・ harmony, and composition: under Toshiya Watanabe, Jin Wang; score reading: under Tatsuhiko Nakahara, Laurent Teycheney, and Takehiko Yamada.
Has taken multiple conducting masterclasses with Zsolt Nagy, Lathrow Tihany. He has also taken several public chamber music lessons on the piano by Junichiro Murakami(Violist).
Minami Suda official website : http://minamisuda.com
権代敦彦作曲ヴィブラフォンと弦楽オーケストラのための《Saewol 〜海から〜》日本初演を指揮。
リッカルド・ムーティ「イタリア・オペラ・アカデミー in 東京」指揮者オーディションの最終選考=世界27カ国総勢129名の中から12名(うち日本人3名)に最年少(当時19才)で残る。
Carnegie Hall Family Day Japan 2020にて指揮と編曲を担当。
スイスKünstlerhaus Boswilで行われたDouglas Bostock指揮マスタークラスにてargovia philharmonicを指揮。
世界遺産『富岡製糸場』にて、華道家の大川春雪(草月流)氏と共にピアニストとしてCollaboration Ikebana & Piano「文明開化の香りそのままに…」を収録。YouTubeにて公開。
久慈市文化会館自主事業オペラ『プッチーニ「ラ・ボエーム」 コンサート形式』(指揮 : 阪哲朗 / 演出 : 松本重孝 / 山形交響楽団)にて副指揮を務める。
KUMA EXHIBITION 2022にて室元拓人氏の作曲作品を指揮。
山形交響楽団『第300回記念 定期演奏会』にて、R.シュトラウス 楽劇「ばらの騎士」の字幕翻訳と字幕操作を担当。
第52回日本吹奏楽指導者クリニック「2022 JAPAN BAND CLINIC」実演講座 / 指揮法にて、基礎編で新田ユリ氏の指揮サポート・ピアノを、応用編で小梶由理氏と共に2台ピアノを務める。
NPO法人 音めぐり主催、独立行政法人 国立青少年教育振興機構「こどもゆめ基金助成活動」クラシック音楽で初めての指揮者体験&ミニコンサートにて編曲と指揮を担当。
第22期高崎経済大学附属高校音楽系卒業生による演奏会JOINT CONSERT「SENRITSU」にて髙橋杏奈(声楽)氏のピアノ伴奏を務める。
ドイツPforzheimで行われたDouglas Bostock指揮マスタークラスにてSüdwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheimを指揮。
藝大アーツ イン 丸の内 2022にて「東京藝大オープンプログラム・音楽ワークショップ②藝大の授業が丸の内にやってくる!丸ビルで藝大生を指揮してみよう!~ ハンガリー舞曲・運命~」指揮者体験を企画、指揮者として演奏および参加者へアドバイス。
Orient Café 11th Anniversary 「Dinner Concert 2022」にてピアノ演奏。
sense of Resonance 音楽祭 2022より委嘱を受けフルートとピアノの作品を作曲、世界初演。
俊友会管弦楽団「第63回定期演奏会」(指揮 : 中田延亮)にて副指揮を務める。
オーストリアWienで行われたVienna International Conducting Masterclass “Wiener Schule”受講。
農楽塾10周年記念オペラハイライトVol.6『Viva Noura』にて音楽監督を務め、ドニゼッティ作曲の「連隊の娘」を指揮。
びわ湖ホールで行われた『阪 哲朗 オペラセミナーⅠ』で、指揮受講生として大阪交響楽団を指揮。
タクティカートオーケストラ『難病 筋痛性脳脊髄炎 患者応援 名曲チャリティコンサート』にて、「ハイドン:トランペット協奏曲(ソリスト:児玉 隼人)」、「メンデルスゾーン:ヴァイオリン協奏曲(ソリスト:井川真衣)」、「メンデルスゾーン:交響曲第4番 イタリア」を指揮。
ドイツPforzheimで行われたDouglas Bostock指揮マスタークラスにてSüdwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheimを指揮。
音楽祭 sense of Resonance 2023//mode: 再帰 より委嘱を受けフルート・ヴィオラ・ピアノの作品を作曲、世界初演。
愛知県立芸術大学サクソフォーン専攻生による『サクシデント!! Vol.16』で演奏された、バーンスタイン:作曲『ウェストサイドストーリーより「シンフォニックダンス」』、東海林修:作曲「ディスコ・キッド」の2曲を編曲。
福岡県AIR事業コンサート【5人の作曲家と宮川彬良】に出演。AIR事業で作曲したオーケストラ作品「月冴ゆる 〜東峰村と添田町を巡って〜」が九州交響楽団(指揮:平川範幸)により初演。
チェコのOlomoucで行われた新進指揮者紹介コンサート「The Future Star Conductors & Composers」にてMoravian Philharmonic Orchestraを指揮。
びわ湖ホールで行われた『阪 哲朗 オペラセミナーⅡ』で、指揮受講生として大阪交響楽団を指揮。
Y's company主催 喜歌劇『こうもり』にて、指揮者を務める。
カワイ楽器前橋店「ShigeruKawai Grand piano Concert」をピアニストとして数回にわたり開催。
佐野日本大学高等学校 管弦楽部 定期演奏会、群馬県立前橋東高等学校 吹奏楽部 定期演奏会、伊勢崎あすか幼稚舎クリスマスコンサート、上野学園大学トランペットアンサンブル部 定期演奏会、藝大フィルハーモニア管弦楽団を指揮。
【Activity history】
Conducted the Japanese premiere of Saewol From the Sea for vibraphone and string orchestra composed by Atsuhiko Gondai.
In 2018, she conducted the external performance of the student volunteer orchestra "Millennium Symphony" entering Tokyo University of the Arts.
Riccardo Muti's "Italian Opera Academy in Tokyo" conductor audition final selection = 12 people (including 3 Japanese) out of a total of 129 people from 27 countries around the world, and was the youngest (19 years old at the time).
He conducts the Millennium Symphony member & orchestra ROMUVE concert by the students of Tokyo University of the Arts.
At Carnegie Hall Family Day Japan 2020, she was in charge of conducting and arranging.
He conducted the argovia philharmonic at Douglas Bostock conducting master class at Künstlerhaus Boswil, Switzerland.
At the world heritage "Tomioka Silk Mill", he recorded Collaboration Ikebana & Published on YouTube.
At the 29th and 30th Japan Classical Music Competition winners' presentation concerts, he conducted a concerto by the top prizewinners of piano, violin, vocal music, and percussion (marimba) and the Japanese Classical Orchestra.
Served as assistant conductor for Kuji City Cultural Center's independent project opera "Puccini 'La Bohème' Concert Style" (Conductor: Tetsuro Ban / Director: Shigetaka Matsumoto / Yamagata Symphony Orchestra).
Conducted Takuto Muromoto's composition at KUMA EXHIBITION 2022.
Conducted Shion Yoshihara's composition at Nihon University College of Art Department of Music Graduation Concert.
At the 31st Japan Classical Music Competition Prizewinners' Concert, he conducted a concerto by the top prizewinners of piano and violin and the Japan Classical Orchestra.
At the Yamagata Symphony Orchestra's 300th Commemorative Regular Concert, he was in charge of subtitle translation and subtitle operation for R. Strauss' opera "Knight of the Rose".
At the 52nd Japan Band Instructor Clinic “2022 JAPAN BAND CLINIC” Demonstration Lecture / Conducting Method, Yuri Nitta's conducting support piano in the basic section, and two pianos with Yuri Kokaji in the advanced section.
In charge of arranging and conducting the first experience as a conductor in classical music and a mini concert for the National Youth Education Promotion Agency "Children's Dream Fund Grant Activity" sponsored by the NPO Otomeguri.
Performed piano accompaniment for Ms. Anna Takahashi (vocals) at the JOINT CONSERT "SENRITSU" by the 22nd Takasaki City University of Economics High School Music Graduates.
Conducted Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim at the Douglas Bostock Conducting Masterclass in Pforzheim, Germany.
Organized a conductor experience at Geidai Arts in Marunouchi 2022, "Tokyo University of the Arts Open Program/Music Workshop 2. Geidai classes are coming to Marunouchi! Let's conduct the Geidai students at the Marunouchi Building! ~Hungarian Dances, Destiny~" , playing as a conductor and giving advice to participants.
Piano performance at Orient Café 11th Anniversary "Dinner Concert 2022".
Conducted the composition by Mr. Sai at the "20th President's Award Selection Concert" of Tokyo College of Music.
Commissioned by the Sense of Resonance Music Festival 2022, he composed a piece for flute and piano and performed it for the world premiere.
Served as assistant conductor of the Shunyukai Orchestra "63rd Regular Concert" (Conductor: Nobuaki Nakata).
Conducted Sodai Kanbara's composition at the 5th Taito Ward Mayor's Award Commemorative Concert.
Attended the Vienna International Conducting Masterclass “Wiener Schule” held in Wien, Austria.
Served as music director for Nourajuku's 10th Anniversary Opera Highlight Vol. 6 “Viva Noura” and conducted Donizetti's “Daughter of the Regiment”.
As a conducting student, conducted the Osaka Symphony Orchestra at the "Tetsuro Saka Opera Seminar I" held at Biwako Hall.
At the Tactical Cart Orchestra's “Famous Charity Concert to Support Patients with Incurable Myalgic Encephalomyelitis”, Conducted “Haydn: Trumpet Concerto (Soloist: Hayato Kodama)”, “Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto (Soloist: Mai Igawa)”, and “Mendelssohn: Symphony No. Conducted No. 4 Italia”.
Conducted Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim at the Douglas Bostock Conducting Masterclass in Pforzheim, Germany.
Composed and world premiered a piece for flute, viola, and piano commissioned by the music festival sense of Resonance 2023//mode: Recursion.
Performed as piano accompaniment for contrabass player Ria Ashikawa at the 2024 Tamamura Town New Year party where greetings.
Arranged two pieces, "Symphonic Dance" from "West Side Story" composed by Bernstein and "Disco Kid" composed by Osamu Tokaibayashi, which were performed by Aichi Prefectural University of Arts saxophone major students in "Saxident!! Vol.16".
Appeared in the 3rd Opera no Komado. My self-composed songs ``Imoyo'' ``Hoshi to Pierrot,'' ``Aru onnanoko,'' and ``Yuki ga futteiru...'' (all poems by Chuya Nakahara) were premiered by soprano: Ai Noma, bass: Daiki Okuaki.
Conducted the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra at the concert introducing up-and-coming conductors, "The Future Star Conductors & Composers," held in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
As a conducting student, he conducted the Osaka Symphony Orchestra at the "Tetsuro Saka Opera Seminar II" held at Biwako Hall.
Served as the conductor for the operetta "Die Fledermaus" organized by Y's company.
He has performed with Mizuki Aida (vibraphone) on conductor and Junichiro Murakami (former principal viola of the WDR Symphony Orchestra of Cologne) on piano.
As a pianist, he has also performed concertos with the Japanese Classical Orchestra and the Sun-Otom Chamber Orchestra.
He plays the concerto with the chamber orchestra cameratadione.
As a pianist, he held the Shigeru Kawai Grand piano concert several times at the Kawai Musical Instruments Maebashi store.
Conducted Sano Nihon University High School Orchestra Club Regular Concert, Gunma Prefectural Maebashi Higashi High School Brass Band Regular Concert, Isesaki Asuka Kindergarten Christmas Concert, Ueno Gakuen University Trumpet Ensemble Club Regular Concert, Conducting the Geidai Philharmonia Orchestra.
Performed piano accompaniment for Mayuka Tateno (vocals) at Niisato Junior High School in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, and performed his original composition for the first time.
Performed at the "Suda Minami Piano Concert" at the Godo Children's School Results Presentation.
Tokyo University of the Arts campus concert (Conducting Department/Composition Department/Vocal Music Department), Thursday concert by Tokyo University of the Arts students (Conducting/Opera, Conducting/Composing), Conducting, piano, and composing at Tokyo University of the Arts Doseikai concert .
フジテレビ『さんまの東大方程式』、テレビ朝日『関ジャム完全燃SHOW』、NHK BSプレミアム『美と若さの新常識』出演。
FM GUNMAと群馬県公式YouTubeチャンネルのメディアミックス番組『tsulunosfm』にゲスト出演し、宇留賀敬一 群馬県副知事と対談。
FM GUNMA『Da-iCE 和田颯のハヤラジ』にて編曲・ピアノ演奏を紹介される。
東京都のパラスポーツ応援プロジェクト【TEAM BEYOND】 YouTube出演。
Appeared on Fuji TV's "Saury's University of Tokyo Equation", TV Asahi's "Kanjam Kanzennen SHOW", and NHK BS Premium's "Beauty and Youthful New Common Sense".
Close coverage by TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting's "Fukuoka TeleQ News".
Appeared as a guest on FM GUNMA and Gunma Prefecture's official YouTube channel's media mix program "tslunosfm" and had a conversation with Keiichi Uruga, Deputy Governor of Gunma Prefecture.
Introduced arrangement and piano performance in FM Gunma's "Da-iCE Hayaraji from Hayate Wada".
Was featured in the Jomo Shimbun, Web Press Isesaki, and Yomiuri Shimbun.
In addition to providing music to Horipro's talent "Yurika" and playing the piano at live performances, he is also in charge of the piano sound source on the YouTube channel of "Hokuyo", an entertainer belonging to Production Jinrikisha.
Participated in Tokyo's para sports support project [TEAM BEYOND] on YouTube.
Obtained a high school teacher's license (music).